Patent & Protect > Patent Application

How to apply for a patent

The information from the patent search will help you to establish your claims of novelty for a patent application. The wording of the patent application is exceptionally important as it is a legal document that can last 20 years, and although you are not legally obliged to have someone write the application for you we would generally advise that your application be written by a professional.

What is included in a patent application?

A patent application is a detailed document made of up of several parts:

  •  Abstract: This is a short synopsis of the product printed on the front page of a published document, usually for the purposes of searching. The Abstract is often taken from the Claims.
  • Description: This is the overall description of the product, including components and applications. It is the bulk of the application and includes background material, references to other patent applications and explanations of the drawings.
  • Claims: This is the most important part of applying for a patent, and is what you are claiming as novel about your product, versus any other patent application, publication or product. These have to be very precise whilst still allowing for future modifications or improvements. The Main Claim is the first listed claim and describes the main features of the idea behind the product. It is the Claims that are used to assess applications against each other and decide on patentability.
  • Drawings: These are simple, 2D, black and white line drawings of the product as a representation of the wording of the document used to apply for a patent. They are for reference only and do not dictate the design of your product ongoing.

How can Innovate help with UK patent applications?

We have widely experienced patent drafters (overseen by a UK patent lawyer) who work with our designers to draft your patent specification; allowing you to very cost-effectively file a broad application with the UK Intellectual Property Office paying no fees.  By doing this, you are keeping costs down, avoiding the expense of using a patent agent from the outset, and keeping options open for feedback (rather than agonising over the question of how or when to apply for a patent).

Should you decide from the outset you want quick official feedback or need the services of a legal body acting as your agent, for example if your permanent address is overseas, we have a close working relationship with an established attorney firm.
Innovate Product Design is not a law firm, but a product design firm, with wide experience of design matters and what makes for commercial success, also having a very keen understanding of the requirements of individual inventors.  Innovate only produces drafts.  All patent matters should be dealt with by a Patent Firm.  Innovate stress to clients that all disclosures made before a use of a Patent Firm should be kept confidential and there be no offer for sale or public use of the invention, to maximize chances of obtaining protection to the invention and improvements.  There may be short- and long-term risks as well as benefits involved in any approach, and we advise that the client takes advice on these risks.

To find out more about the IPO (previously known as the UK Patent Office) click here: UK Intellectual Property Office